In the Press
"Elite mindset is not going to solve jobs issue," Ravi Venkatesan, Times of India, June 9, 2024.
"Mettere l’uomo al centro, l’idea del Nobel Phelps: «Serve un’altra economia»," Chiara Bisasoli, Corriere Della Sera, May 24, 2024.
"En (snabb)resa genom nationalekonomins historia," Av Claes-Henric Siven, Liberal Debatt, March 26, 2024.
"Artificial Intelligence brings 'jeans' opportunity to China, experts say," Zhu Shenshen, Shine, December 13, 2023
Zhang Xinxin, "Conversations with Nobel Prize Winners," Cover News, October 9, 2023.
Giovanni Tria, "Dove trovare lezioni utili sul salario minimo? In un libro di ventisei anni fa," Il Foglio, August 22, 2023.
Julian Olk, "So würden Top-Ökonomen Deutschlands Wirtschaft retten," Handelsblatt, August 4, 2023.
David Goldman, "XI Jinping's Faustian moment," Asia Times, July 1, 2021.
Martin Wolf, "Best summer books of 2023: Economics," Financial Times, June 20, 2023.
"SIPA's Top Summer Reads," Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs News, June 14, 2023.
Tej Parikh, "The best new books in economics," Financial Times, June 12, 2023.
Gonzalo Schwarz, "The United States Isn't the United State Without Economic Dynamism," Real Clear Markets, June 14, 2023.
Thierry de Fages, "Mon voyage dans les théories économiques," Blog dePhaco, May 29, 2023.
Steve Denning, "Why Capitalism Is in Crisis: How Corporations Lost Their Dynamism," Forbes, October 16, 2022.
Carlo Andrea Finotto, "Superbonus, taglio del cuneo e Patto di stabilità su misura: 3 soluzioni dal Festival dell’Economia," Il Sore 24 Ore, June 4, 2022
Flavia Carletti, "The memory of Jean Paul Fitoussi, a non-dogmatic economist and a man of passions," Il Sore 24 Ore, June 4 , 2022.
Carlo Andrea Finotto, "Lo spettro della recessione e il futuro del lavoro: i grandi temi al Festival dell’Economia" Il Sore 24 Ore, June 2, 2022.
Mark Mills, "Why the World Will Soon Enter a New Era of Mass Flourishing," Big Think, February 14, 2022.
Ryan Streeter, "Dynamism as a Public Philosophy," National Affairs, Winter 2022.
Krishna Gupta, "Explorer of New Vistas," Millennium Post, September 25, 2021
Steve Denning, "Why We Live in a Golden Age of Innovation," Forbes, September 19, 2021
"Experts discuss new book on dynamism," China Daily, August 5, 2021.
Nadeem Xu , "China to support mass entrepreneurship, innovation," Asia Times, December 28, 2020
David Blair, "Creating a flourishing, dynamic and entrepreneurial economy," China Daily, December 28, 2020
Edmund Phelps and Juan Vicente Sola, "El mundo después de la pandemia': charla con Edmund Phelps y Juan Vicente Sola," (English translation), El Clarin, November 20, 2020.
Abby McCloskey, "An Economy Where All Can Flourish," InsideSources, December 17, 2019.
Ian Rose, "Why We Lied about Being Retired," BBC News, August 20, 2019.
Karl Sjorgen, "Reimagine Capitalism at the DNA Level," The Stanford Social Innovation Review, August 20, 2019.
Marc Sidwell, "Boris has called time on Tony Blair's 'third way'. Prepare for an economic revolution," The Telegraph, August 9, 2019
Rana Foroohar, "Is slow growth a crisis of values," Financial Times, July 22, 2019.
Ryan Streeter, "Dynamism for the working class," AEI, June 7, 2019
Carmelo Ferlito, "Ideas: Market process and real time", The Edge, March 29, 2019. (Response to to Edmund Phelps's "Three Revolutions Economics Needs")
Yen Nee Lee, "Trump’s tax cuts will boost the US economy for two more years at most, says Nobel Prize winner," CNBC, March 24, 2019
Guan Xin, "U.S. is not ripped off by China, says Nobel laureate Edmund Phelps," CGTN, March 24, 2019.
Nicholas Moore, "Nobel economists, academics on 40 years of reform and opening up," CGTN, March 29, 2019
Vikas Shah Mbe,"Capitalism - What Comes Next?," Thought Economics, November 25, 2018.
Oren Cass, "The Case for Wage Subsidies," National Review, November 16, 2018.
Sebastian Galiani, "Las recomendaciones del ex vice de Dujovne para aprender economia de forma autodidacta," El Cronista, November 14, 2018
Julian Heißler, "Trump schafft enorme Unsicherheit," WirschaftsWoche, November 5, 2018. (English Translation)
Sandra Navidi, "How is America Ticking" (in German), NTV.DE, November 4, 2018.
John M. Mason, "The Requirements for Economic Recovery" (in response to The Fantasy of Fiscal Stimulus), Seeking Alpha, October 31, 2018.
Stefan Riecher, "Nobelpreisträger Phelps: Rezession in sechs bis zwölf Monaten," Die Presse, September 27, 2018. (Spanish translation) (French Translation)
Zhang Ruinan, "Academic praises rising innovation," China Daily, September 10, 2018.
Damien Theillier, "L’ignorance économique des Français plombe la croissance," Contrepoints, July 31, 2018.
Mariangela Tessa, "Minimum income: for Di Maio priority, for Nobel Phelps 'a very bad idea,'" Wall Street Italia, June 28, 2018.
Vivek Dehejia, "How Milton Friedman and Edmund Phelps changed macroeconomics" livemint, April 23, 2018.
"Global China Connect Holds 10th Annual Conference," The China Press, April 22, 2018
David Blair, "Finding opportunities to flourish,"China Daily, March 2, 2018.
Nicola Lillo, "Il Nobel Phelps: “In Italia serve più innovazione, altrimenti ci sarà solo stagnazione e frustrazione,”" La Stampa, January 18, 2018
Kevin Costelloe and Flavia Rotondi, "Trump 'Seriously Stumbled' on Tax Law, Nobel Winner Phelps Says," Bloomberg Politics, January 18, 2018
James Pethokoukis, "Edmund Phelps: Thinking about tax cuts and economic growth in an age of technological disruption," AEI, January 5, 2018.
David Steele-Figueredo, "Higher Education: Transformation or Reformation?," Huffington Post, December 11, 2017.
James Mackintosh, "What 500 Years of Protestantism Teaches Us About Capitalism's Future," Wall Street Journal, November 3, 2017.
"Tsinghua Institute of Management Dean Professor Qian Yingyi recommended books," MBA China, October 20, 2017.
"Premio Nobel de economía asegura que 'el cambio climático se ha vuelto muy costoso," Chacra, October 10, 2017.
Martin Dinatale and Juan Parilla, "La Argentina está en mejores condiciones que hace unos años y tiene mucho futuro," Infobae, October 5, 2017.
Gabriela Origlia and Sofia Diamante, "No es bueno disparar la tasa de desempleo para tener una tasa de inflación más baja," La Nacion, October 5, 2017.
Mariano Javier Pepa, "Tres Premios Nobel Disertarán En Córdoba," Córdoba Times, August 30, 2017.
"The natural rate of unemployment," The Economist, August 24, 2017.
Farhat Othman, "Bloc-notes : Quelle croissance pour la Tunisie?," Kapitalis, August 20, 2017.
Jesús Banegas, "La economía moderna, según Phelps, vista desde España," Vozpopuli, July 22, 2017.
Eric Le Boucher, "À quel point faut-il être aveugle pour caricaturer à ce point la pensée de Macron?," Slate France, July 4. 2017.
Francisco Javier Garrido, "Privilegios y excepciones," Pulso, June 13, 2017.
Jean-Louis Chambon, "La prospérité de masse," Finyear, June 6, 2017.
Giovanni Salmeri, "Universita' Le palle da biliardo e il principio di Phelps, " Ilsussidiario, May 30, 2017.
May 25, 2017
Luis Doncel, “Los Gobiernos deberían celebrar la llegada de innovadores como Uber,” El País, May 25, 2017
Martí Saballs, "Contra La Economía de Amiguettes," Expansión, May 24, 2017.
Olga Grau, "La prosperidad perdida," El Periódico de Catalunya, May 23, 2017.
May 23, 2017
Piergiorgio M. Sandri, "El Nobel Phelps compara Trump amb Mussolini," La Vanguardia, May 23, 2017.
Victor Costa, "La buena vida" del Nobel de Economía Edmund Phelps," El Nacional, May 22, 2017.
"Le secret de la croissance selon Edmund Phelps ," L'express, May 21, 2017.
Brice Couturier, "Comment renouer avec la croissance," France Culture, May 18, 2017.
Antoine Reverchon, "Edmund Phelps, économiste orthodoxe… et iconoclaste," Le Monde, May 10, 2017.
Derk Wilcox, "Regulatory Swamp Drain Gets Boost in Washington," Mackinac Center for Public Policy Blog, April 11, 2017.
April 10, 2017
"The elites must lead the way on pay cuts," Macrobusiness
Leith van Onselen
April 2, 2017
"Tomará mucho tiempo y trabajo reducir la inflación en la Argentina"
Martín Kanenguiser
La Nación
Link [Spanish]
March 31, 2017
"Way Ahead"
Andrew Moody
China Daily
March 30, 2017
"In the Eyes of a Nobel Prize Economist"
Liu Chang, Lai Dongyang, Cheng Qian, Gao Fei, Zhao Jiajia, Liu Youhan
March 22, 2017
"TV Host Kicks off International Women's Business Forum in Beijing"
Rong Chen
All-China Women's Federation
March 7, 2017
Platicando sobre el 'neopopulismo' y otras cosas con el Premio Nobel Phelps
Gabriel Casillas
El Financiero
Link [Spanish]
Marcos Coronato, “O que Donald Trump não entendeu sobre globalizção,” Epoca, February 2, 2017.
January 27, 2017
"Wirtschaftspolitik wie im Faschismus"
Thomas Schulz
Der Spiegel
LINK [German]
January 8, 2017
"Rätselraten um Trumponomics"
Malte Fischer
Wirtschafts Woche
Link [German]
January 7, 2017
"Donald Trump's 'bullying' of companies comparable to 1930s fascist economic policies, says Nobel economist"
Will Worley
January 6, 2017
"Nobel Prize winner likens Trump 'bullying' of companies to fascist Italy, Germany"
Greg Robb
Market Watch
January 4, 2017
"Bienestar masivo"
Julio Madrazo
El Finaciero
December 7, 2016
"Interia and Mexican Growth"
Luis Rubio
America Economia
Link [Spanish]
December 7, 2016
"Una Buena Econmia para Argentia"
Juan Santiago Ylarri
el Economista
Link [Spanish]
October 13, 2016
Edmund Phelps on Bloomberg Surveillance
June 15, 2016
Edmund Phelps appears in the CCTV documentary "The Glory of Innovation"
Click here to watch the trailer
June 2, 2016
Edmund Phelps appears in the Shanghai Media Group documentary "Innovative Shanghai"
Click here to watch Part I (Phelps's comments begin at 4:30), Part II, and Part III (Phelps's comments begin at 22:45)
March 25, 2016
Interview with Edmund Phelps on Huff Post Rise
March 22, 2016
Interview with Edmund Phelps on CNBC
January 25, 2016
Interview with Edmund Phelps in Cash
January 24, 2016
Edmund Phelps appears in Bloomberg Business's "Why Robots Mean That Interest Rates Could Go Even Lower in the Future"
January 23, 2016
Interview with Edmund Phelps on Tencent Finance
January 20, 2016
Interview with Edmund Phelps in Süddeutsche Zeitung
January 17, 2016
Edmund Phelps appears in World Economic Forum's "Four Nobel Economists on the Biggest Challenges of 2016"
November 17, 2015
Benjamin M. Friedman reviews Mass Flourishing in the New York Review of Books
October 21, 2015
Interview with Edmund Phelps in Veja Magazine
September 22, 2015
Interview with Edmund Phelps in Mon Empresarial
August 12, 2015
Interview with Edmund Phelps in Finnish Life (translation by Annukka Oksanen)
July 22, 2015
Interview with Edmund Phelps in Món Empresarial
July 21, 2015
BBC Mundo's interview with Edmund Phelps
July 13, 2015
Edmund Phelps on Bloomberg TV: "Greece Is On Another Planet"
April 17, 2015
Edmund Phelps appeared on Bloomberg Surveillance to discuss Greece
April 1, 2015
Edmund Phelps on Bloomberg TV: "What Will Happen After ECB Reviews Greek Bank Liquidity?"
March 29, 2015
Edmund Phelps appears on the NYRB Conference panel "The Atlantic Economies Since the Crash: Secular Stagnation?"
March 4, 2015
Profile of Edmund Phelps in the JoongAng Daily
February 28, 2015
Interview with Edmund Phelps in Austria's Profil magazine
View here [in German]
February 10, 2015
News footage of Edmund Phelps's participation in SEFEA's expert symposium chaired by Premier Li Keqiang in Beijing, China.
View here [in Mandarin]
January 29, 2015
Article on Mass Flourishing in Bloomberg Business
December 12, 2014
Mass Flourishing named among Bloomberg's Best Books of 2014
November 22, 2014
Edmund Phelps interviewed in Le Temps
October 14,2014
Edmund Phelps awarded Yale's Wilbur Cross Medal
September 30, 2014
Edmund Phelps receives China Friendship Award
September 27, 2014
Edmund Phelps referenced in Want China Times article on Li Kequiang's Davos address
August 25, 2014
Edmund Phelps interviewed in Die Welt
LINK [German]
August 25, 2014
Edmund Phelps interviewed for Vox Views with Mark Thomas
August 6, 2014
Juan Vicente Sola's review of Mass Flourishing in La Nacion
Link [Spanish]
July 10, 2014
Edmund Phelps discusses Mass Flourishing with Charlie Kolb on "Global Reach: Winning in World Markets with Té Revesz
June 13, 2014
Edmund Phelps featured in "Lunch with the FT" in the Financial Times
March 30, 2014
Robert J. Samuelson mentions Mass Flourishing
In the Washington Post
March 29, 2014
Charles W. Calomiris reviews Mass Flourishing
March 27, 2014
Edmund Phelps on the Larry Parks Show
March 27, 2014
Reihan Salam on Capitalism
Mentioning Edmund Phelps, National Review
March 21, 2014
Mass Flourishing wins the Gold
2014 Axiom Award in Economics
March 13, 2014
Edmund Phelps interviewed for China Central Television
"Evening News" on the Business Channel
March 11, 2014
Mass Flourishing as Quote of the Day
On Cafe Hayek
February 17, 2014
"Clientelism is the essence of social protection"
Edmund Phelps interviewed by Luis Martín for the Truman Factor
February 6, 2014
"Source de gains de productivité, l’innovation est la clé de la prospérité"
Edmund Phelps interviewed by Elisabeth Guedel for L'Opinion
February 3, 2014
"Family Values Vs. Innovation?"
Edmund Phelps interviewed by Jerry Bowyer for Forbes online
January 31, 2014
"Free innovators from the state's deadening hand"
Edmund Phelps on the nature of innovation - and what holds it back
In the Financial Times
January 23, 2014
"US 'out of ammunition' to tackle economic rut"
Edmund Phelps interviewed by CNBC at the World Economic Forum
December 6, 2013
Edmund Phelps' Mass Flourishing selected as an FT Book of the Year by Martin Wolf
December 15, 2013
Edmund Phelps interviewed for the Tehran Times
On the slowdown of productivity growth and the decline of innovation
December 12, 2013
Edmund Phelps interviewed by Dylan Matthews
For the Washington Post
December 2, 2013
Harold James reviews Mass Flourishing
In the IMF Newsletter
November 21, 2013
Marcelo Giugale of the World Bank on Edmund Phelps' Mass Flourishing
In The Huffington Post
November 11, 2013
Edmund Phelps discusses Mass Flourishing
With Russ Roberts for EconTalk
October 21, 2013
Edmund Phelps interviewed by Witold Gadomski
For Gazeta Wyborcza
October 18, 2013
Edmund Phelps' MASS FLOURISHING reviewed
By Edward Glaesar for the Wall Street Journal
October 16, 2013
Edmund Phelps interviewed by Prospect Magazine
After a roundtable discussion of Mass Flourishing
October 15, 2013
"The US economy is very sick"
Interview with Edmund Phelps on CNBC
October 11, 2013
"Die Ruckkehr alter Werte lahmt den Westen"
Edmund Phelps interviewed for Finanz und Wirtschaft
October 9, 2013
Edmund Phelps interviewed by Markus Meier and Philipp Lopfe
For Tages-Anzeiger
October 1, 2013
MASS FLOURISHING reviewed in the Ottawa Citizen
By McGill Professor of Economics William Watson
September 15, 2013
Edmund Phelps' MASS FLOURISHING discussed by Columbia News
September 5, 2013
Felix Martin praises Edmund Phelps' MASS FLOURISHING
In the New Statesman
September 2, 2013
Joao Caleiro interviews Edmund Phelps on MASS FLOURISHING
August 31, 2013
Phillip Yin interviews Edmund Phelps about MASS FLOURISHING
On CCTV America
August 31, 2013
"When work is challenging, economies thrive"
Edmund Phelps interviewed by Justin Fox of the Harvard Business Review
August 28, 2013
"L'histoire de l'innovation s'est arrêtée à la fin des années 1960"
Edmund Phelps interviewed in Le Monde
August 28, 2013
"The small start-ups are as vital as the stars"
Luke Johnson in the Financial Times on Edmund Phelps'
Important vision of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial societies
In his new book Mass Flourishing.
August 26, 2013
Christopher Matthews on Edmund Phelps' MASS FLOURISHING
"Nobelist on America's Missing Economic Mojo - and How To Get It Back"
TIME Magazine
August 23, 2013
Samuel Brittan reviews Edmund Phelps' MASS FLOURISHING
In the Financial Times
August 20, 2013
The second installment of Edmund Phelps' article discussing his new book
Now available on the OECD website
August 19, 2013
The OECD publishes the first of a set of two articles by Edmund Phelps
Discussing his new book, MASS FLOURISHING
August 18, 2013
An excerpt from Edmund Phelps' MASS FLOURISHING
"Love Your Job? Thank Your Country" in Bloomberg View
August 17, 2013
Robert Shiller discusses Edmund Phelps' MASS FLOURISHING
In his NY Times Column, "Why Innovation Is Still Capitalism's Star"
August 16, 2013
Edmund Phelps discusses his new book, MASS FLOURISHING
In Thomson Reuter's "The Great Debate" blog
August 6, 2013
Edmund Phelps new book Mass Flourishing reviewed in Publishers Weekly
"A panoramic view of economic institutions" with a "bracing" range and "vast learning."
July 29, 2013
Edmund Phelps discusses his new book, Mass Flourishing
In an interview for "Goldstein on Gelt"
June 24, 2013
"The West Has Lost Its Dynamism"
Edmund Phelps interviewed on CNBC
May 23, 2013
"Nobel Laureate Phelps Warns Against EU as Iceland Drops Bid"
Edmund Phelps interviewed by Omar Valdimarsson for Bloomberg News
May 9, 2013
Edmund Phelps on Kierkegaard and modern economies
In a resume of the recent 200th birthday seminar
By Matthew Bishop for The Economist
April 27, 2013
Edmund Phelps interviewed by CCTV Biz Talk
At the 2013 Boao Forum for Asia
Video now online: LINK (at 11:30 in the segment after the link)
April 8, 2013
Edmund Phelps interviewed by Bloomberg TV on the Chinese economy
At the 2013 Boao Forum for Asia
April 6, 2013
Edmund Phelps on encouraging Chinese innovation
In Xinhua Daily on the occasion of the 2013 Boao Forum for Asia
April 5, 2013
Edmund Phelps' thoughts on China's potential for future growth
On the occasion of the 2013 Boao Forum for Asia
In the China Daily Asia Weekly
March 21, 2013
"Innovation, a choice for solving economic problems"
On the Beijing 2013 conference co-organized by the Center on Capitalism and Society and New Huadu Business School
People's Republic Daily Online
February 12, 2013
REWARDING WORK forms the background for Reihan Salam's
assessment of Peter Cove's call for a new WPA
In the National Review
February 8, 2013
"Expecting the Unexpected: An interview with Edmund Phelps"
With Caroline Baum on Bloomberg View
January 4, 2013
Edmund Phelps in a live interview on Bloomberg TV's Bottom Line
Discussing the new employment statistics and general economic outlook for 2013
January 2, 2013 (conference date: November 16, 2012)
Edmund Phelps on infrastructure spending in a clip from RAND's Politics Aside Conference
With Nicholas Wapshott, Harold Evans, Stuart Hoffman, and Robert Hormats
October 16, 2012
Edmund Phelps' speech at the National University of Ireland - Galway Law Society
Covered in the Irish Examiner
October 11, 2012
Edmund Phelps visits St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University
for the St. Petersburg Scientific Forum
October 6, 2012
Edmund Phelps meets with Vladimir Popovkin, head of the Russian Space Agency
September 24, 2012 (originally aired August 30)
Edmund Phelps interviewed on n-TV (Germany) on the Eurozone crisis
September 7, 2012
Edmund Phelps live on Bloomberg on the jobs report and monetary policy
June 17, 2012
Edmund Phelps interviewed on the Chinese economy by CCTV-9
June 15, 2012
Edmund Phelps' "Golden Rule" applied to China in the International Economic Bulletin
June 6, 2012
Edmund Phelps interviewed on Sina Finance Face-to-Face
June 3, 2012
"Corporatism and Job Satisfaction"
Tsinghua University, Beijing
May 1, 2012
Edmund Phelps alongside Carly Fiorina and Steve Case in a panel discussion on job creation,
at the Bloomberg Link Washington Summit.
May 7, 2012
"Don't promote joblessness"
April 4, 2012
"US urged to consider effects of policies"
China Daily
April 3, 2012
"Edmund Phelps, the Nobel-prize winning economist talks about the outlook for the US economy."
Bloomberg Hong Kong
March 1, 2012
"Distinción a una empresa del agro: Rizobacter recibirá la medalla Phelps"
La Nacion
December 19, 2012
Professor Phelps on "The Search for a New Keynesianism"
In The Globe and Mail
January 13, 2012
"Europe's Rough Ride Ahead After France Downgrade"
December 16, 2011
"Alliance between banks and goverments at the heart of eurozone crisis"
Deutsche Welle
October 17, 2011
"La buena economia"
An article on the Center on Capitalism and Society's 9th Annual Conference
By Juan Sola in La Nacion
October 17, 2011
"Edmund Phelps propone una 'economía con justicia social' frente a la crisis"
October 17, 2011
"Proponen introducir corriente Vitalista en el sistema educativo"
El Economista
September 1, 2011
"Capitalism--What Comes Next?"
Interview with Vikas Shah
Thought Economics
September 1, 2011
"Capitalism--What Comes Next?"
Interview with Vikas Shah
Thought Economics
September 1, 2011
"Prize Performers"
BBC's "In Business"
August 31, 2011
"Against the Motion"
Economist debates: Edmund S. Phelps
August 23, 2011
"Phelps on U.S. Economy, Fed Policy, Euro Outlook"
Interview with Bloomberg's David Tweed in Lindau
Bloomberg TV
August 22, 2011
Nobel Laureate Feature
Die Welt
August 15, 2011
"The Road Ahead: The Monumental Fiscal Challenge"
Newsweek / The Daily Beast
August 2, 2011
"U.S. Consumers `Very Nervous' About Future"
Interview with Maryam Nemazee
"The Pulse," Bloomberg TV
July 15, 2011
"Columbia's Phelps Says Economy is 'Feudalistic'"
Bloomberg with Kathleen Hayes
June 29, 2011
"Modernization in Russia is inevitable"
June 18, 2011
"La situation en Grece, "une catastrophe pour l'Europe"
La Journal du Dimanche
June 15, 2011
"The Corporatist Threat to Arab Spring"
The Gulf Times
June 15, 2011
"China's economy to grow on its own: Nobel winner"
Taipei Times
June 14, 2011
"Nervousness in Taiwan over China economic outlook: Nobel laureate"
CNA English News
June 1, 2011
"Supporting Innovation: Why and how"
McKinsey & Company's What Matters
June 1, 2011
"Phelps Says US Can't Afford More Fiscal Stimulus"
Interview with Tom Keene
May 30, 2011
"American's big problem is budget deficit"
Article from China Business News Panel on May 12th
China Business News
May 26, 2011
"Phelps on Tunisian Economy; Desai on Financial Crisis"
Hays Advantage
May 8, 2011
"Phelps: 'La principal causa de la inflacion es la politica monetaria expansiva'"
Interview with Ezequiel Burgo
El Clarin
April 28th, 2011
"El Estado no puede ser un buen socio"
Entrevista con el economista Edmund Phelps
La Nacion
March 11, 2001
"Rivolte di mercato: Per il Nobel Phelps gli arabi sono in piazza contro il capitalismo locale, asfittico e familistico"
Il Foglio
February 25, 2011
"Columbia's Phelps on Unions, Collective Bargaining"
Interview with with Matt Miller and Carol Massar of "Street Smart"
Bloomberg Television
January 3, 2011
"Even if US economy gets back on track, 5% unemployment rate a pipe-dream"
Korean Economic Daily
December 20, 2010
"Mi aspetto una bunoa annata"
Corriere Economia
December 14, 2010
"Columbia's Phelps Discusses Tax Compromise"
Interview with with Matt Miller and Carol Massar of "Street Smart"
Bloomberg Television
November 15, 2010
"Phelps Says 7-7.5% Unemployment 'New Normal' for U.S."
Interview with Margaret Brennan of "InBusiness"
Bloomberg Television
November 14, 2010
"US plays cards poorly with China: Nobel laureate"
October 30, 2010
"Per Edmund Phelps 'austerity' non è una parolaccia (come credono gli Europei)"
il Foglio
October 7, 2010
"Modern China needs more than industry"
Global Times
October 1, 2010
"US Innovation has Stagnated"
September 20, 2010
"Edmund Phelps in Slovakia"
August 26th, 2010
Interview with Tom Keene
Bloomberg on the Economy
August 24, 2010
"New solutions to entrenched economic problems: A conversation with Edmund S. Phelps"
Harvard University Press Blog
August 23, 2010
Interview Mit Nobelpreistrager Phelps
Frankfurter Rundschau
August 10, 2010
Fareed Zakaria on Charlie Rose
Discussing Professor Phelps’s NYTimes Op-Ed, published August 7, 2010
August 10, 2010
"Structural Unemployment is a New Problem, Needing New Solutions"
Gavyn Davies's Blog
The Financial Times
July, 2010
"'The state must bolster the innovative strength of companies.' Nobel laureate Edmund S. Phelps on lessons from the crisis"
Interview, The Focus
Vol. XIV/1
June 27, 2010
"Edmund Phelps, Prix Nobel: 'Les économies occidentales n'innovent pas suffisamment'"
Le Monde
June 23, 2010
"What Next for Capitalism and the US?"
First Plenary Session
New York Forum
June 8, 2010
Interview Report with Edmund Phelps
June 4, 2010
"Job Report Tempers Recovery Optimism"
First Quarter, 2010
"The New Normal?: Economists ponder whether the 'natural' rate of unemployment has risen."
Region Focus
June 1, 2010
"Why 7% Unemployment Is Inflation Turning Point Fed Doesn't Say"
May, 2010
"Man muss den Sozialistaat zuruckfahren"
May 13, 2010
“A Europa terá de recuar do excesso de bem estar”, diz Phelps, Nobel de Economia"
May 7, 2010
"La Grèce doit rester dans l’euro"
Le Soir
May 7, 2010
"Edmund Phelps, prix Nobel d'économie: 'L'euro va survivre'"
May 7, 2010
"Bernanke heeft aanvankelijk gefaald"
De Tijd
May 6, 2010
"European Outlook Remains Shaky"
May 6, 2010
Interview with Professor Phelps
The Bund
May 5, 2010
"Phelps Says Greek Protests `Turning Mood' Against Athens"
April 23, 2010
"Edmund Phelps, Nobel Laureate"
Interview with Maria Bartiromo
April 2, 2010
"Phelps Says U.S. Economy Still in 'Structural Slump'"
March 5, 2010
"Phelps Concerned U.S. Recovery May Not Be Sustainable"
March 2010
"How a New Jobless Era Will Transform America"
Don Peck
The Atlantic Monthly
February 24, 2010
"E Preciso Inovar"
February 24, 2010
"Create new banks to finance companies' innovation. That's the key for employment"
February 4, 2010
Andrew Kramer
Russia Plans to Push Technology Innovations
New York Times
February 3, 2010
"Phelps Says Russia 'Doesn't Belong' Among BRIC Economies"
January 28, 2010
"Obama Focuses on Jobs"
January 15, 2010
"Nobel Debate on the Economy"
January 14, 2010
"Phelps Sees Europe Hurt By Limited 'Economic Dynamism'"
Tom Keene
December 25, 2009
"Ohne den Staat wurde der Kapitalismus kollabieren"
Catherine Hoffmann
Sueddeutsche Zeitung
December 22, 2009
"The Protocol Society"
David Brooks
New York Times
December 17, 2009
David Wessel
A Prozac Economy Has Its Costs
Wall Street Journal
December 16, 2009
"Fed Keeps 'Extended Period' Pledge, Sees Rebound"
Craig Torres
November 6, 2009
"Nobel Laureate Phelps Says U.S. Recovery Will 'Run Out of Gas'"
November 2, 2009
"Im Gesprach: Wirtschaftsnobelpreistrager Phelps"
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
October 7, 2009
Catherine Rampell
Support Builds for a Tax Credit to Help Hiring
New York Times
September 28, 2009
"Jobs Outlook - Full Unemployment Now May Be 7%"
September 12, 2009
"Perhaps it was too much"
Die Welt
August 3, 2009
"In-Depth Look - A 'Long Slog Ahead'?"
May 2009
"O governo nao pode ser um intruso no setor privado"
May 7, 2009
"Phelps quer criar bancos inovadores"
March 27, 2009
"Adelantar elecciones es cambiar las reglas y suma incertidumbre"
El Cronista
February 20, 2009
"In Depth Look - Conference on Financial Crisis: Edmund Phelps"
Kathleen Hays
February 19, 2009
"Fixing the Crisis: New Ideas"
Fareed Zakaria
December 9, 2008
"Precio del Crudo Estara Bajo Por Dos o Tres Anos"
La Nacion
November 25, 2008
"Phelps: Mexico Se Mueve A Ritmo Lento"
June 8, 2008
"Aproveche la red de hiperfavores"
El Mundo
June 3, 2008
"El premio Nobel Phelps reclama a Espana reformas para impulsar la innovacion"
Cinco Dias
May 26, 2008
"A prosperidade economica acabou"
Gazeta Mercantil
May 2008
"A prosperidade economica acabou"
Jornal Do Brasil
May 2008
"'Las retenciones son malas', dijo un premio Nobel"
El Cronista
March 14, 2008
"Les banques centrales vont-elles sauver le system financier?"
La Tribune
January 30, 2008
"Die EZB sollte uberhaupt nichts tun"
Die Press
January 30, 2008
"Zinssenkungen bringen keine Jobs"
November 5, 2007
"Mexico, hacia el 'empresarialismo': Edmund Phelps"
El Financiero
October 31, 2007
"Mexico puede ser la septima economia mundial: Phelps"
October 27, 2007
"El Nobel del 2006 apuesta por la salida de empresas al exterior para que Galicia crezca"
La Voz de Galicia
October 13, 2007
"Auf Amerikas Wirtschaft kommen harte Zeiten zu"
Die Welt
October 12, 2007
"Mindestlohn hift euch Deutschen nicht!"
August 27, 2007
"Informalidad y Corrupcion, Lastres Para Mexico"
El Universal
August 24, 2007
"Nobel critica agencias de risco"
O Globo
August 19, 2007
"A little disorder is a good thing"
Lunch with the FT
Financial Times
May 25, 2007
"Que podemos aprender de Edmund Phelps?"
April 1, 2007
"Troppo ottimismo, crescita ancora fragile"
Il Sole-24 Ore
March 9, 2007
"El talento se desaprovecha cuando los empleados no tienen desafios"
El Correo de Burgos
November 27, 2006
"Dynamism or Stasis"
Virginia Postrel
June 23, 2006
"Le monde occidental et ses deux capitalismes"
Le Figaro